Animal Welfare Activist and Children's Author Sends Books to HB!

Laura and the real Tommy dog
California children's author, animal welfare activist, and literacy advocateLaura Marlowe was inspired to write Tommy the Throwaway Dog --based on a true story-- that is being used to educate youngsters and students about the value of kindness to all and the importance of empathy. The book is also available in Spanish: Tommy el Perro de Usar y Tirar. Laura learned about Tommy quite by accident, thanks to her love of reading and concern for animal welfare.
Laura generously decided to share some copies of her book with the kids at HB, and here's how she found out about us:

Laura reads "Tommy" with children in LA
After the book’s release, a friend of mine, who runs a children’s support program in Yucatan State, obtained 40 copies of the Spanish version of the book for her students to help educate them about the right way to treat our animal friends while at the same time add to their reading enrichment.
Some time afterward, I decided to donate some copies of the Spanish version to either a school or library in the Yucatan; during my research of candidates, information about Hekab Be popped up. I gladly read all about it and was SO impressed and inspired by this nonprofit library and educational center. Happily, the book eventually made its way down to Hekab Be thanks to one of the kind volunteers and is currently being read by the patrons.
I am happy to know that the children who visit Hekab Be have opportunity to enjoy the story and the book’s color illustrations while learning its important message, and that the book can facilitate animal welfare discussions and projects at the library. The book continues to make impact on children and adults in the U.S., including Puerto Rico, and abroad, utilized by a variety of reading enrichment and animal welfare institutions in classes, programs and special events, and added to many home bookshelves and school libraries.
Currently associated with Reading Is Fundamental So. Cal, (and formerly with Adult Literacy Program of Greater L.A.), I deeply appreciate the folks that worked together diligently to create Hekab Be and all the staff and volunteers that continue to enlighten, encourage and inspire the patrons and visitors in so many areas and subjects.

Kids at HB enjoying reading Laura's book!
Tommy and Hekab Be go together well as they both are symbols of the value of kindness and the possibility of second chances.
I hope to pay a visit to Hekab Be before too long and meanwhile wish everyone Happy Reading and Happy New Year!

"Tommy" brings a smile to a child in Akumal