Pet Place Radio Show K-Mozart 1260 AM
In January I had the privilege and opportunity to be interviewed by Marie Hulett, host of the Pet Place Show (aired Sunday, the 22nd). We discussed Tommy the Throwaway Dog and its message, our "throwaway society," and the continuing need for awareness of animal welfare.
Marie Hulett has been working with animals (wild and domestic) for over 30 years. Her resume includes a professional background in veterinary medicine, veterinary public health, inhumane investigations, humane education, wildlife management, and animal advocacy. Marie directed and edited the award-winning Pet Place TV Show and has been part of the Pet Place family since 1990. Marie is also an Emmy Award winning documentary producer, and since 1994, a popular Orange County Register newspaper columnist where she answers readers' questions about…you guessed it…animals! The Pet Place radio show covers all topics relating to animals, from fun to educational, silly to serious—and reminds everyone of the importance of responsible pet ownership as a means to end the needless deaths of millions of pets each year.